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Inspiration & knowledge


The condom – more than protection

In 2023, condom use in the Nordic countries increased along with a change in attitude and behavior among... Read more
Category:Sex & desire

Two results, one million emotions

A pregnancy test can show two results, but cause a million different emotions. By showing a more diverse... Read more

Audio erotica – a perfect tool for exploring the world of pleasure

RFSU as a knowledge organization is constantly exploring the world of desire. How we perceive desire is highly... Read more
Category:Sex & desire
sex och lust guider rfsu

Sex Toy Guide – how to find the right one for you

SO MANY REASONS TO EXPLORE SEX TOYS! You know how feel-good hormones boost you when you’re engaging in... Read more
Category:Guides, Sex & desire

How to maintain your erection

Worrying about your erection and not being able to keep it up are among the most common concerns... Read more
Category:Sex & desire

Lubricant guide – choose the right lube

Lubricants help things feel nicer, no matter which one you choose. With partner, partners, or on your own.... Read more

Products to make oral sex nicer

Licking and sucking your partner is warm, wet and intimate. And many people think that oral sex is... Read more
Category:Sex & desire

How the senses can make you more horny

Sex and horniness start in the brain. A touch, a scent or the sight of something that turns... Read more
Category:Sex & desire

Dry mucous membranes? Find out what a little moisture can do

Who suffers from dry mucous membranes? Women of all ages actually, because vaginal dryness is not just an... Read more
Category:Intimate health
narbild tjej med fraknar bla ogon

How do you know if you have bacterial vaginosis?

Does your discharge smell bad? It could be bacterial vaginosis. But don’t worry. Everything you need to know... Read more
Category:Intimate health

The best sex toys for the disabled

Having reduced senses, difficulty using your hands or other functional impairments don't have to be obstacles to pleasurable... Read more
Category:Guides, Sex & desire

Wonderful mucosa

When it’s healthy, it’s pink, thick, moist and acts like its own little ecosystem. But it can also... Read more
Category:Intimate health

How to find the P-spot

You hear a lot about the G-spot. But did you know that people with a penis have a... Read more
Category:Sex & desire

Five sex tips for a hot summer

Summer and holidays mean time for sun, swimming and sex. Here are our sex educators’ best tips for... Read more
Category:Sex & desire

Anal guide – how to choose the right sex toy for anal sex

For those wanting to explore anal sex with the help of a sex toy, there is everything from... Read more
Category:Guides, Sex & desire
couple kissing

The Expert: How to choose your first vibrator

For those with a clitoris, a vibrator is a must in the sex toy bag of tricks. But... Read more
Category:Guides, Sex & desire

The Sexologist’s tips: how to choose the right sex toy

Fancy trying something new and boosting your sex life? Then sex toys could be just the thing for... Read more
Category:Guides, Sex & desire

Sex life during menopause

Menopause can cause both that your daily life and sex life changes. The expert’s advice is to relax... Read more
Category:Menopause, Sex & desire

If you use a condom you’ll be considered a better sex partner

If you want to appear confident, experienced and responsible, then the condom is the contraceptive you should suggest.... Read more
Category:Sex & desire

How a penis pump with a vacuum can help

When you get an erection, the swelling bodies in the penis are filled with blood. When you have... Read more
Category:Intimate health, Potency

How does an erection function?

The ability to get an erection is something that many people take for granted, but in order for... Read more
Category:Intimate health, Potency

How to treat potency problems

Many people wait a long time before seeking treatment for their potency problems. But the vast majority can... Read more
Category:Intimate health, Potency

Illnesses that can affect erections

Diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, depression. Failing to get a hard-on can be due to all sorts of things. But... Read more
Category:Intimate health, Potency

Expert: good habits to get into, to maintain an erection throughout your life

Erectile problems are common and get more so the older you get. But for those wanting to increase... Read more
Category:Intimate health, Potency

How to cure fungus in the intimate parts

Fungus in intimate areas is as common as it is troublesome. But there is a solution to cure... Read more
Category:Intimate health
stefan arver overlakare portratt

Erection problems: the vast majority can be helped

Around half of all men in their 50s have erectile problems to some degree. But despite the fact... Read more
Category:Intimate health, Potency

Say goodbye to lingering urinary tract infections

Every year, around half a million women get a urinary tract infection. And once you’ve had one, it’s... Read more
Category:Intimate health, Menopause

Films showing reactions after taking a pregnancy test

Everyone reacts differently to taking a pregnancy test and it’s an incredibly charged moment for many people. In... Read more

Is having a positive pregnancy test automatically good news?

The portrayal of pregnancy tests is quite one-sided in popular culture and advertising today. More often than not,... Read more

Ovulation calendar – calculate when you are ovulating

With our ovulation calendar, you can easily calculate when you are ovulating and your most fertile days. It... Read more

Get to know your menstrual cycle

It can help you feel safer by learning more about the whole menstrual cycle and to know better... Read more

Pregnancy calendar

Do you want to work out approximately on what day your baby will be born? Or do you... Read more

Checklist: 13 common signs of pregnancy

There are certain symptoms that most women who have been pregnant recognize. These are the first signs that... Read more

Podcasts on cohabiting and pregnancy

You can listen to a selection of podcasts on the subject of sex & pregnancy here. Read more

Don’t forget the passion!

When you’re desperate to have children it can be difficult to keep the passion alive. The focus ends... Read more

Incontinence – why you should exercise your pelvic floor

Do you find it difficult to make it to the toilet or hang on when you are exercising... Read more
Category:Intimate training, Pregnancy

Intimate shaving without getting a rash

Many people like the feeling and look of shaved intimate parts. But ingrown hairs and red dots can... Read more
Category:Intimate health

Feathers, handcuffs or massage on Valentine’s Day?

A sexologist’s best tips for how to spice up your sex life on Valentine’s Day. Read more
Category:Sex & desire

Pelvic floor training – 5 great exercises!

Pregnancy and childbirth put a lot of strain on the pelvic floor, and to avoid problems, it’s important... Read more
Category:Intimate training, Pregnancy

How keegle exercises can give you better orgasms

Would you like hotter, better sex and stronger orgasms? Then squeeze training is a hot tip! Sexologist Suzann... Read more
Category:Intimate training, Sex & desire

Let us present the G-spot!

It is the stuff of legend. It has great orgasm potential. And it has gone from being just... Read more
Category:Sex & desire